Audie molted again last night and now she has wings!!! It's very exciting. She's huge, like 3 inches long in the body, not counting her legs. Although, I am now seeing how she's related to the cockroach... it's something about her abdomen that really resembles a roach. So get this... praying mantids are known for the female eating the male after mating. Actually they often eat them during the act! She'll grab him, whip him around, and bite his head off in one swoop. Lucky for him, or not so lucky, a second "brain" is located in his abdomen so he can still get busy without a head. He just hops back on and finishes the job. Now that's dedication to satisfying his woman! If she doesn't finish eating him when he's done, he will wander around headless until he starves to death or until something else eats him. Talk about battle of the sexes! Nature can be a cruel mistress.
So, now that she's the size of Mothra (well, almost), I think it's time for a new tank. Tonight we went to Uncle Bill's to scope out her new digs. The thing is, a mantis needs height to be happy, so we have to get something taller. The cheapest we found at Uncle Bills was $89! Let me repeat: Eighty-nine dollar house for a bug to live in! There's one that is better at another pet shop that's *only* $50. She's becoming very expensive. And, there was a Jonesborough-style massacre in the cricket hut. We bought two dozen crickets last weekend and they are all dead! Every single one of them. I almost expected to see little purple blankets covering them, a la Heaven's Gate. So on tonight's menu... meal worm... "slimy, yet satisfying." (Bonus points to the friend who can name the movie that's quoted from!) I hope she notices it in there before
it disappears forever into the ground-cover. I imagine the cat will be in trouble if she doesn't eat something soon.
the lion king... we just get points no money?
Hey, I was going to answer The Lion King before Tanya did, she's a cheater, she's actually at the office and knows when you post.....jeez....hope you're doing well, when are we having another "girls night"? Let me know!
correct name "THE Lion King". i win:)
oh wait, they added "the" too. nevermind. i lose
I knew that they would get it. Oh by the way I now have a blog too.....I was feeling left out =(
I guess I'm the only one who didn't know what that was from. Then again, I haven't seen The Lion King since the 6th grade, sooo....whatever. :P
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