To my avid and usually silent readers, I apologize. Been very busy at home. To update: I have not killed Julius... He is doing much better and his sister has picked up the torch in his stead. She is now an emotional, attitude-y mess who loves to push my buttons. My cousin has moved out and I'm in the process of reclaiming my home, purging the remenants of the previous owners. I even gardened over the weekend! First time ever and I'm soo sore. I just hope the new garden fares better than every houseplant I've ever owned. We had the evil maple tree cut down... no more sewage should be backing up into my living room! (see before and after pics... the white gutters will make more sense when the house isn't scab-red!) We've also cleaned out the downstairs bedrooms and re-organized. It's very tiring but rewarding. Let's see... We played the ponies (Not to be confused with pony-play!!! Ha ha, Tanya) at Churchill Downs, lost the farm, but had a ball. Softball season is in full swing. Olivia is now with a bunch of pre-teens, and I swear they are cycling together. The last game had three players leaving in tears and an untold number of parents pissed off at their little girls. (Thankfully, Olivia had her tantrum before the game). Ryan took pictures at Nina's wedding, which was so fun. I'm so glad we were invited. Now I just have to light the fire under him to get them all edited. And, is using some of his pictures without permission for their Garfield park listing... but it's cool that they liked them enough to steal them. My best friend just graduated from law school and will be a menace to courtrooms everywhere! You go girl! And finally, we have a new addition to the family... Audie the Praying Mantis. Carnivore bugs are way-cool.

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