Friday, October 31, 2008

What's the Difference between a Bull Dog and a Hockey Mom?


So, today was our Halloween Pitch-in, and my team did a political theme. I was proof that Sara Palin is wrong about the lipstick thing, as well as other things. Lana made an excellent Palin... I was a little afraid of her. Hope was Barac, Tanya was secret service, Michelle was Michelle, and Darlena was Joe the Plumber, and Michelle's niece was baby Trigg. Lots of fun was had by all and I expect everyone to come to Spookapalooza 2008, and have a hauntingly rockin time!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Too Busy to Post

So lately I've been too busy to have a random thought or a musing... But I did get to go to the company picnic. It was a beautiful day and Ryan took some pics. Way to go Tanya and Katie for their culinary awesomeness! I met Michelle's niece, Anna, who thinks I'm hilarious. Mattea and Lily were as cute as ever. Good day.

Monday, October 6, 2008

You are my Sunshine, My only Sunshine...

You've gotta love Chuck Taylors and Tutus!

So life for me is sucking in ways I never dreamt possible and also in ways I don't feel comfortable discussing in this forum, or acutally, discussing at all. But... I was lucky enough to get a little sunshine in my day today, and their names are Mattea and Lilly. So a big thanks, hugs, and kisses to them and the people who brought them into the world!