It's been a highly exciting week... Olivia is about to turn 10 and double-digit is a very big deal. She wants a fancy cake from the Jungbauer bakery and another set of holes in her ears. Todd just announced that he is engaged. I would be tempted to poo-poo at the one month courtship, but I have a very good feeling about this girl. While I am a bit disappointed not to have Tanya as a sister-in-law, Kristen seems like a great person. Don't they look cute! We'll have her Baxter-ized in no time. Julius is on his way to being an official pre-teen and I have no idea what to get him. And... it looks like we may be going to Florida on spring break with Ryan's family! I'm so happy to have things to look forward to.
Work is still way disappointing... but this could always be the cosmos' way of pushing me towards something even greater. You just do what you can and let go.